Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Read to me. Nisomee.

Here's how it's done...

This August we had our first "Story Hour" where our sponsored students read children's books to the young neighborhood children.

Since the concept of reading to small children is a new one in the community I'm serving, we had a practice session, where I gave an example of reading aloud.  We then had each student practice by passing a book around and everyone taking a page in the story.

Then on Friday afternoons, the students read in pairs to groups of children from the neighborhood. It was a win-win that we'll do again.

Owen and Kevin reading

Hesborn's turn

Douglas and Ali sharing a stump to read.

Listening and watching

Eliakim and Alex reading under the trees.

Check out the turtle! I love the enthusiam.  
Good work by Henry.

Engrossed in Dorcas' story

Dedan reading a favorite from when I was little.