Sunday, March 31, 2013

Standing in silence - Kusimama kimya

It's another sunny day in Mombasa.  We are awaiting the results of the Kenya Supreme Court decision on the recent presidential election, which is promised by 5 pm today.  Yesterday I had a experienced another moment of waiting.  I was standing in silence with a thousand others in the Holy Ghost Cathedral, a colorful place usually filled with song.  But yesterday it was silent.  Reverence, anticipation, uncertainty.  The fans were whirring quietly above, but insufficient to overcome the effects of bright afternoon sun and the shoulder-to-shoulder lined pews.  No children cried.  No one spoke.  It was silent.  Slowly the procession passed us and we began our prayer.

This Holy Week is my last in Kenya, at least for awhile.  I've decided to return to the United States to study the environment and see where I can use my skills to help care for our earth.  I'm excited but sad to be leaving this place and the people I love here.

Some moments from this week to remember:
A member of my jumuiya lost her husband to a traffic accident last year when she was expecting their 1st child.

Members of the Holy Spirit Jumuiya

My friend Barnabas is a sacristan who led the procession for the Archdiocese Chrism Mass
Fr. Lagho, Archbishop Lele & Fr. Correa in the procession for the Chrism Mass. I was the paparazzi!
The Archbishop in our brightly painted cathedral
Holy Thursday - Washing the feet of parishioners as a sign of service.
Good Friday - The youth did a very dramatic re-enactment of the passion of Jesus.
The candle-lit Easter vigil 

Lighting the Easter candle - out of darkness comes light

Passing the flame
My little light
The AMAZING Easter Egg hunt. I was a very good hider of the eggs!

Next time I'll count the eggs better... one might still be hidden.

We love a birthday!!! 
Happy Easter everyone!

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